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We are commited to the belief that our worship begins with a knowledge of God that results in a love for God and then extends into our world as a love for our neighbors.

Word-Centered Worship

The worship at Faith centers around God's Word.  We READ God's Word to engraft it into our souls; we PREACH God's Word, expositionally (verse by vese), so that we may know the whole counsel of God's Word;  we PRAY God's Word to remind ourselves of His promises; we SING God's Word to warm our hearts, and then we seek to PRACTICE God's Word in every aspect of our lives. 

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". . . teaching them to observe . . ."  Matthew 28:19


". . . by love, serve one another . . ."  Gal. 5:13


"Go ye therefore and teach all nations . . ." Matt. 28:19

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Faith Baptist Church is an Independent, Conservative, Fundamental Baptist church.  Our purpose is to glorify God through our work.  Our vision is to help people develop the character of Christ through God's Word.  Our mission is provide God's children with a place to worship, serve, learn, fellowship and evangelize.


Why Are We Independent?


While acknowledging that large denominations offer much greater material resources, the drawback of the denominational structure is the the loss of freedom to totally obey God's Word.  Over the past one hundred years, some of the larger denominations have voted to allow activities that are contrary to God's Word.  But because the majority at a conference approves the activity, the decision is forced upon local assemblies.  In an independent, congregational church, the individual church can make decisions on cultural issues as they arise.


Why Are We Baptist?


Our congregation believes that the historical "Baptist distinctives" more perfectly line up with their personal convictions.  These distinctives include the beliefs that salvation is by grace through faith, apart from works:  the scriptures are authoritatively God's specific revelation and are without error; every born again believer is a priest who has direct access to God and His throne of grace; baptism by immersion as a symbol of a believer's identity in the actual death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; the observance of the Lord's Supper, often called Communion, as a symbol of Christ's broken body and shed blood for the atonement of men's sins; a strong belief in the congregational form of government where the chosen leaders of the church submit governing issues to be approved by the eligible voting members of the church.  

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The music program at Faith is purposefully conservative. For this reason, we do not use music that is readily associated with the sound that the world produces to minister for a holy, separated God.


Music is truly one of the most powerful forces in human experience.  It touches us physically, emotionally, mentally and especially spiritually.  Given that Galatians 5:17 tells us that “the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other . . .”, it is only reasonable that we need to seriously consider where music fits into this war between the flesh and Spirit.  


God is the creator of all things, which includes music.  All things were created to bring God glory and the scriptures are clear that music was first and foremost made to glorify the Lord:


“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” Psalm 100:2


“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16


"It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord;" 2 Chronicles 5:13


At Faith, we take these scriptures seriously and seek to use music that is holy, God-honoring, worshipful and respectful.  We truly believe that the music used at Faith is not primarily for our enjoyment, but for God’s glory.


Check Calendar for Updates, Special Events and Service Times.



10:00 am - Sunday School

11:00 am - Morning Worship



6:00 pm - Evening Worship



7:00 pm - Adult Prayer & Bible Study; Children's Ministry; Youth Ministry;

Missionary Meetings (first Wednesday of each month)


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Faith Baptist


1382 Greenfield St

Ramseur, NC 27316

Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 1

About Faith Baptist Church

Faith Baptist Church is a Fellowship focused on knowing God through His Word.

Faith Christian School

5449 Brookhaven Rd

Ramseur, NC 27316
Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 2

About Faith Christian School

Faith Christian School seeks to educate and train servant-leaders for the Kingdom of God.

© 2023 by Faith Ministries, Ramseur, NC

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