Mark Twain once said, "A man who can read but who does not read is no better off than a man who can't read."
With the 9,000+ books in the FCS library, there is certainly no excuse for a student NOT to read!
FCS recently went through a recent library revamp which allowed us to purchase new books to replace older books.
We constantly trying to purchase new books that help encourage the joy of reading.
FCS Library is a family friendly and God-honoring library that has wholesome and morally/Biblically sound books.
The library enjoys a fully-computerized search and check-out system as well as filtered Internet access.
Faith Christian School has actively used technology for the last three decades. Technology can be a great tool if taught correctly and used properly. Technology can be found all through out the Faith Campus.
Faith has a main computer lab of 30 computers that serves middle/high school.
Microsoft Office 365 subscription for all faculty and staff – FREE
Hands on training in Microsoft’s Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc.
Faith also has a smaller computer lab to service the yearbook design.
Hands on training in the professional publishing software, InDesign – used in creating the school’s yearbook.
FCS has Chromebooks that allow all grades to work on computers in any classroom as students work on projects and papers.
FCS middle/high school rooms are equipped with large touch screen monitors that allows teachers to teach with the convenience of technology tools.
FCS middle/high school classrooms are equipped with “Owls”. This Owl technology allows students to log in and join the class when they are absent. It also allows students to watch videos that teachers make when the students are absent.
Parents can also the Faith Family Portal from anywhere to access their children’s grades, homework, lunch menu, financial account and message teachers.