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The Bible is clear that God the Son took upon Himself a human body. The scriptures also teach that our bodies are formed in the very image of God and that one day, He will "change our bodies in a twinkling of an eye" to be like the very body of the risen Lord. In light of all this, the scriptures tell us that our bodies are the "temple of the Holy Spirit." All of this conveys the idea that our bodies are extremely important to God. Because of this, we believe that the conditioning and training of the body is very important. The students at FCS take physical education classes up through the ninth grade. From middle school to high school, a full schedule of athletic opportunities are available for the students. The students are taught that sports offers them an opportunity to gain and exercise CONTROL in the area of the PHYSICAL (controlling the ball), the PSYCHOLOGICAL (controlling the emotions), and the SPIRITUAL (controlling the attitudes and testimony). Since Jesus developed in the physical realm, all Christians should seek the same development.


Jesus increased in . . . "WISDOM"


Jesus in creased in . . . "FAVOR WITH GOD"


Jesus increased in . . . "FAVOR WITH MAN"

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All for the Glory of God


The philosophy of the athletic program at Faith Christian School can be summed up with the word control. Control is evidenced by athletes who work to master the mental aspects of their sport, as well as keeping their emotions under control and disciplining their bodies to be in optimum condition. Physical control consists of mastering the basic skills of each sport. This aspect of sports is the most visible element of athletics. Faith's athletes are encouraged to surrender even their athletic ability to God's control so that He can use it for His honor and glory. Together, these components comprise the ideals of Godly character exemplified by a Faith Christian School athlete.

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Eagle Club Raises Funds


The Eagle Club Golf Tournament took place on Saturday, April 30, at the Asheboro Municipal Golf Course. The tournament fundraiser included 16 teams with over 50 sponsors.
The first place winners were Rodney Cox, Jerry Cox, Shawn Cox and Coy Bertrand while second place was awarded to Travis Langley, Austin Stout, Todd Stout and David Watkins. The Eagle Club raised around $9,000 to invest in Eagle athletics.

Participation Information

Sports Participation and Physical Form


It is vital that are children benefit from the highest protection we can provide, so Faith Christian School requires that each athlete undergo a physical examination by a licensed physician each calendar.  A copy of the completed form will be kept in the school office.  Please download the "Participation and Physical Form", complete it, along with a physicians signature, and return it to the school office.


Participation and Physical Form

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Faith Baptist


1382 Greenfield St

Ramseur, NC 27316

Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 1

About Faith Baptist Church

Faith Baptist Church is a Fellowship focused on knowing God through His Word.

Faith Christian School

5449 Brookhaven Rd

Ramseur, NC 27316
Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 2

About Faith Christian School

Faith Christian School seeks to educate and train servant-leaders for the Kingdom of God.

© 2023 by Faith Ministries, Ramseur, NC

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