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We are whole-heartedly commited to reading, studying and meditating on God's Word. We believe the Bible is man's most precious earthly possession.


We preach the Bible expositionally, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. We seek to discover the true meaning of every passage in the Bible in order to obey and honor the Lord. We offer a full range of discipleship courses for all age groups through our Sunday School program as well as specific Wednesday evening programs for our youth.  Our most visible statement of our commitment to discipleship is our sponsorship of Faith Christian School.

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The purpose of the Sunday School is to help disciple all members of a family. The Sunday School setting is designed to be informative, friendly, and challenging.


 Here at Faith Baptist Church we use the "Answers Bible Curriculum," or "ABC." 

  • A - Stands for APOLOGETICS - learning how to defend Biblical beliefs.

  • B - Stands for BIBLICAL AUTHORITY - learning how the Bible is the starting point for all of our views.

  • C - Stands for CHRONOLOGICAL - learning the content of the Scriptures chronologically from Genesis to Revelation.


ABC brings the Bible to life by covering the whole Bible chronologically in four years, providing a powerful overview of God’s Word.  From PreK to Adults, ABC allows the whole family to learn and grow together, learning the same thing at the same time. 

Why Answers Bible Curriculum?

Research shows two-thirds of young people walk away from the church. That usually means they are walking away from the beliefs of their parents, too. Lessons are synchronized across all age groups with different levels of depth. Families can learn at the same time and enjoy easy opportunities to talk about God’s Word together.


" . . . worship Him in Spirit and in truth" - John 4:24


". . . by love, serve one another . . ."  Gal. 5:13


"Go ye therefore and teach all nations . . ." Matt. 28:19

Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He left His disciples with a specific set of instructions:  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations . . .”  The word “teach” literally means “to make disciples.”  Warren Wiersbe states that the English word that closest  conveys the idea of this Greek word is “apprentice.”  This command has historically been called, “The Great Commission,” and here at FBC, we take this command very seriously.


Using the “Precept Ministries International” inductive series curriculum, we have developed a comprehensive small group or one-on-one discipleship program that anyone can lead or study.  There are 24 topics that deal with just about any issue a new or experienced Christian may be struggling with.  Each study last six weeks, and usually takes 40 minutes per session.  There is no preparation for the meeting times and no homework.  The emphasis is on finding all of answers from the actual text of God’s Word. 


Anyone can lead a six week study without special training or request a study based on their area of interest.


Here is a listing of topics available for one-on-one, or small group studies:

  • A Man’s Strategy for Conquering Temptation

  • Being a Disciple:  Counting  the Real Cost

  • Breaking Free from Fear

  • Building a Marriage That Really Works

  • Discovering What the Future Holds

  • Fatal Distractions:  Conquering Destructive Temptations

  • Forgiveness:  Breaking the Power of the Past

  • Having a Real Relationship with God

  • How Do You Know God’s Your Father?

  • How Do You Walk the Walk You Talk?

  • How to Make Choices You Won’t Regret

  • Key Principles of Biblical Fasting

  • Living a Life of True Worship

  • Living Like You Belong to God

  • Living Victoriously in Difficult Times

  • Loving God and Others

  • Money and Possessions:  The Quest for Contentment

  • Rising to the Call of Leadership

  • Spiritual Warfare:  Overcoming the Enemy

  • The Essentials of Effective Prayer

  • The Power of Knowing God

  • Turning Your Heart Toward God

  • Understanding Spiritual Gifts


If you have an interest in any of the topics below, simply email the Church office and we will setup you up to have a successful study:

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Students in grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for our weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM.


The focus of our Youth Ministries is to equip the young people to learn how to:

1.  OBSERVE THE SCRIPTURES- Seek to discover what the Bible is saying.

2.  INTERPRET THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover what the Bible means.

3.  APPLY THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover how it can be applied to their life.


The Bible indicates that these are skills that can be learned and mastered.  Ultimately, we desire for our teenagers to develop a deep, deep love for Jesus in order to keep them grounded in truth as they navigate the culture they live in.

Our youth group is also learning how to use LOGOS Bible Software to aid in their spiritual developments.  Each teen gets a subscription to this Bible software.

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The Children's ministry at Faith is designed to provide a meaningful, age-appropriate worship experience for young people. 


On Sunday, Preschool and Elementary Children's Church is held in conjunction with the Morning Worship Service.  Preschool Children's Church serves preschool age children. Elementary Children's Church serves children entering kindergarten through the fifth grade.  Elementary children begin in the sanctuary as they experience congregational singing and are dismissed prior to the preaching. 


On Wednesday evenings we have a Children's Ministry Club for PreK through 5th grades.  This "club" atmosphere allows children the opportunity to learn Christian principles through song, Bible stories, games and crafts.  Groups provide special music throughout the year along with a Christmas program and end of the year Awards Concert in May.  During the summer months we focus on learning Bible truths and giving added opportunties for service to our church family and in the community.


All of our ministry volunteers have completed a criminal background check.  

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Each year we challenge our church family to read through their Bibles.  Reading through Bible each year help to provide us with a context for understanding the truths of God's Word.  The Bible comes alive when we understand its history, characters, stories and locations in the Bible.  Each of the 66 books of the Bible add a unique perspective on the overall story of God's redeeming of mankind.  The better a Christian knows the entire story of the Bible, the easier it will be to apply its principles to their lives. 


By reading four chapters a day, the Bible can be completed in 43 weeks.  Below is a PDF of our Bible Reading Schedule.  We encourage you to download this Bible Ready Schedule and enjoy being in God's Word each and every day.


Printable PDF "Read Through the Bible Chart"

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God tells us in Psalm 119:9, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee."  By exercising our minds through memorizing God's Word we arm ourselves with the greatest weapon against our own sinful natures.  Our church provides a monthly Bible verse to encourage Bible Memory.


Printable PDF Memory Verses 2024

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It cannot  be overemphasized how important God Word, the Bible, is to the Christian life, and to the churches.  For that reason, Faith is totally dedicated to seeking to provide the tools that will make the people “Bible experts.”


LOGOS BIBLE SOFTWARE is available to every member of Faith Baptist Church.  It is the premier Bible resource software.  Once a month the pastor hosts a training session at his home to help anyone learn to master this software.


Faith has adopted the INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY PHILOSOPHY of the Precept Ministry as outlined in the book, “How to Study Your Bible.”  (See “Study Resoruce” link).


The basic concepts of INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY are:

1.  OBSERVE THE SCRIPTURES- Seek to discover what the Bible is saying.

2.  INTERPRET THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover whatthe Bible means.

3.  APPLY THE SCRIPTURES - Seek to discover how it can be applied to life.


The GREAT COMMSION given to all believers by the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20) is to MAKE DISCIPLES.  That can only be accomplished through a continual focus on God’s Word:


What is a DISCIPLE?  It is not simply a believer, but Jesus describes a disciple as someone “who continues in my word...”


“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;   And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32


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Faith Baptist


1382 Greenfield St

Ramseur, NC 27316

Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 1

About Faith Baptist Church

Faith Baptist Church is a Fellowship focused on knowing God through His Word.

Faith Christian School

5449 Brookhaven Rd

Ramseur, NC 27316
Tel: 336.824.4156 OPTION 2

About Faith Christian School

Faith Christian School seeks to educate and train servant-leaders for the Kingdom of God.

© 2023 by Faith Ministries, Ramseur, NC

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